
In soapmaking, this term refers to the time bar soap must "rest" to dry out and all the lye to finish reacting. Curing soap produces a harder and milder bar. Some soaps such as hot process soaps may be ready to use in a couple of weeks, since the soap was cooked and it just needs time to mellow and for the extra water to evaporate out of the bar. For cold-process soapmaking, the general rule is four to six weeks or longer in a dry, well-ventilated area. Some soaps such as 100% olive oil Castille soaps benefit from a one to two year cure time.

For wax products such as wax melts and candles, curing is the time the fragrance, colorant, and wax need to bond and develop the cold and hot throw. Paraffin waxes can cure in as little as 24 hours. Soy waxes need about two weeks to cure.

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